Training engineering for skills development
Training engineering is a set of methodical and coherent approaches that are implemented in the design of training actions or training systems to effectively achieve the desired objective. It is particularly interested in the development of skills to meet a desired demand. Training engineering includes the methods and practices of analyzing the demand and needs for training; the design of a training project; the definition of the methods and means to be implemented; the coordination and follow-up of the training; the evaluation of the training as well as the modes of validation envisaged.
The development of skills consists in acquiring, updating or perfecting the knowledge, know-how and interpersonal skills necessary to carry out their missions within the company and evolve in their professional environment.
Development of professional skills "Guarantee of success"
You are a company and you wish to invest in the development of your employees' skills to optimize their individual or global performance. By focusing on the development of your team, you increase their efficiency and motivation, which will have a positive impact on the profitability of your company.
The development of skills concerns all employees within a company, regardless of their level and position, because it aims to :
● Increase professional efficiency
● Develop managerial skills
● Expand your skills to improve your performance
Your employees are the driving force of your company and it is essential to ensure their professional development, which also includes developing their skills so that they can flourish within your company. Investing in their skills is a guarantee of prosperity for your company and your employees. This is done in particular through training, which is a key component of the MJS (management of jobs and skills). You wish to develop the relational, organizational, specific or strategic skills of your employees, from a needs analysis, My2K Consulting accompanies you by setting up training engineering that will meet your expectations.
The four steps of your training engineering process "Implementation "
My2k Consulting implements the entirety of your training engineering to ensure the increase in skills of your employees by respecting the different stages which are: defining the training needs, designing a training project, piloting and leading the training action.
Step 1: Analyze training needs and demand
This first step consists of analyzing the training needs and their context. These needs are often the result of a gap that exists between the employees' skills and the objectives defined by the general management, the human resources department and the actual skills assessed by the company. The objective is therefore to reduce or even eliminate this gap. This stage is based on a certain number of approaches such as: evaluation of current skills, questioning, interviews, surveys, information gathering, exchanges and confrontation of opinions. At the end of this phase, a diagnosis and recommendations are made. They lead to precise specifications, which specify the target people, the objectives of the training, its content, the planned evaluation method, but also the related time and budget constraints.
Step 2: Design the training devices
This second step allows the creation and formalization of adequate training actions and the selection of the necessary pedagogical training tools. This phase will allow us to establish a link between what is desired (the objectives of the training defined in the specifications) and what can be achieved. My2K Consulting will rely on many tools such as the job description, the company's missions and objectives, the skills repositories, the specifications, the provisional budget, the training plan and any type of documentation that can provide the necessary information documentation that can provide the necessary information to design your training actions. Several major players in the company are involved during this phase, including financial and accounting managers.
Step 3: Implement and manage the training plan
This third step is the very heart of the project since it consists in animating and managing the training action that will allow your employees to acquire new skills. My2K Consulting pilots the training plan, supervises the animation of the training sessions and coordinates the participants. The implementation of the training actions is done in the respect of the company's culture, its functioning and its working environment. At the end of the training session, My2K Consulting follows up on all the training actions and devices with your employees and trainers.
Step 4: Evaluate the training actions
The evaluation is a very important step, because it allows to evaluate the training actions carried out. It will focus on the plan and the training policy undertaken by the company. It allows to measure the gaps between the objectives and the results obtained by the training action and to check the adequacy between the needs and the validation of the acquired knowledge by your employees. At this level, corrective actions will be implemented in order to improve the training policy. The evaluation will focus on the training actions, the trainers, your employees and My2k Consulting. The evaluation of the training project can be focused for example on the adequacy between the training action, the company's objectives and the level of expertise of the learners.